Request for Proposals for
Homeless Services Grant Writer
November 2023
The San Fernando Valley Council of Governments (SFVCOG) is seeking proposals from qualified individuals or consultancies for grant writing services related to homelessness services and/or resources.
In May 2010, the SFVCOG became a Joint Powers Authority (JPA). The SFVCOG is comprised of six member agencies located in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles County. The member agencies are as follows:
City of Burbank
City of Glendale
City of Los Angeles
County of Los Angeles
City of San Fernando
City of Santa Clarita
The SFVCOG is a voluntary cooperative effort among the member cities and the County of Los Angeles to forge consensus and advance policies and programs of regional significance. The SFVCOG provides a forum for discussion as well as formalized representation and advocacy on behalf of the San Fernando Valley sub-region with regional, state, and federal agencies.
The SFVCOG’s primary objectives are to: share information, allow the members to engage in cooperative local and regional planning and the coordination of government services and responsibilities to assist the members in the conduct of their affairs, conduct studies and projects designed to improve and coordinate the common governmental responsibilities and services on a Valley area and regional basis, coordinate implementation programming, and take action on issues that are of interest to the member agencies that are working together in partnership to preserve and enhance the quality of life in the sub-region.
The SFVCOG Board of Directors (SFVCOG Board) is comprised of twelve (12) members, as follows: one (1) member from each of the two (2) County of Los Angeles supervisorial districts that are located entirely or partially in the San Fernando Valley, one (1) member from each of the six (6) City of Los Angeles’ council districts that are located entirely or partially in the San Fernando Valley, and one (1) member from each member city.
The SFVCOG has no employees, but has contracted for Executive Director services. The grant writer will work closely with the Executive Director to secure grants related to homelessness services and/or resources.
Financial information regarding the SFVCOG is as follows:
- The SFVCOG has minimal financial activity and has an annual core budget of $155,000 per year with additional funds being made available through fundraising efforts such as grants and networking conferences held throughout the year.
- Total expenditures by Fiscal Year are as follows:
- 2020-2021: $138,015
- 2021-2022: $193,206
On May 3, 2022, the County of Los Angeles (County) Board of Supervisors (Board) directed the Los Angeles County Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to increase co-investment opportunities for cities and Councils of Governments and enlist city engagement in expanding the supply of interim and permanent housing. On May 17, 2022, the Board delegated authority to the CEO, or her designee, to enter into and/or amend multi-year service contracts, memoranda of understanding, or funding agreements with local jurisdictions administering homeless services programs with Board approved funding to provide and coordinate homeless programs and services in conjunction with the County to prevent and combat homelessness. On October 2, 2023, the SFVCOG directed staff to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for grant writing services as a means to support member jurisdictions’ work in addressing the crisis of unhoused in the region. Soon, the SFVCOG will receive thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) for these grant writing services.
Proposals for SFVCOG Homeless Grant Writer must be received by 5:00 PM, Pacific Time (U.S.), December 1, 2023. Proposals must be electronically submitted to:
It is preferred that the proposal be limited to no more than 10 pages. There shall be no bonding requirements for this proposal.
The SFVCOG will not reimburse respondents to this RFP for any costs incurred in the preparation and submittal of the proposals. The SFVCOG reserves the right to request any person submitting a proposal to clarify his or her proposal during the selection phase.
Further, the SFVCOG reserves the right to modify or alter any requirements herein, at the SFVCOG’s sole discretion, and such shall be done by written addendum. The SFVCOG is responsible only for that which is expressly stated in the solicitation document and any authorized written addenda thereto. Such addendum shall be made available to each person or organization where SFVCOG records indicate the RFP was received, and will be posted on the SFVCOG website. Should such addendum require additional information not previously requested, failure to address the requirements of such addendum may result in the proposal not being considered, as determined in the sole discretion of the SFVCOG.
The SFVCOG is not responsible for, and shall not be bound by, any representations otherwise made by any individual acting or purporting to act on its behalf.
Any resulting contract will be for a period of 12 months. The contract may be terminated by the SFVCOG with thirty (30) days written notice in the sole determination of the SFVCOG Board. The selected grant writer (Contractor) may terminate the contract with ninety (90) days written notice in the sole determination of the Contractor.
If it is mutually agreeable to the Contractor and SFVCOG, and the County CEO provides for ongoing funding to be used for regional homeless coordination services at the Councils of Government level, the term of the agreement may be extended, in whole or in part, on an annual basis.
It is expected the relationship between the selected Contractor and the SFVCOG shall be that of an independent contractor. The selected individual shall not become an employee of the SFVCOG, unless specifically authorized by the SFVCOG Board.
Proposals shall include the following information, at a minimum. The SFVCOG will review each proposal in the following areas (in no particular order or weight):
Cover Letter
Experience and Background – Individual Proposal
- Professional history
- Resume(s)
- Full name of individual, mailing address, telephone and e-mail address
- References of current and former clients, if any, for whom similar services have been provided, including contact information
- Description of services provided
- Time period(s) service was provided
Familiarity with SFVCOG Issues
- Experience with local government organization and issues
- Experience with homeless services providers and agencies
Work Plan and Budget
- Describe how you would accomplish the Scope of Services within the limited budget available
- Proposed work schedule
Non-Collusion Affidavit and Irrevocable Offer (attached, must be filled out and executed by all proposers)
All proposals delivered in the manner and by the deadline outlined above that meet the minimum qualifications, and are otherwise deemed responsive to the RFP, will be advanced to the evaluation team for scoring. The evaluation team will include an ad-hoc committee of SFVCOG Board members and staff of member agencies, as appropriate.
Notwithstanding a recommendation of the evaluation team, the SFVCOG retains the right to exercise its judgment concerning the selection of a proposal and the terms of any resultant agreement, and to determine which proposal best serves the interests of the SFVCOG. The SFVCOG is the ultimate decision making body and makes the final determinations necessary to arrive at a decision to award, or not award, a contract.
After a prospective Contractor has been selected, the SFVCOG and the prospective Contractor will negotiate a contract for submission to the SFVCOG for its consideration and possible approval. If a satisfactory contract cannot be negotiated, the SFVCOG Board may, at its sole discretion, begin contract negotiations with the next qualified proposer who submitted a proposal, as determined by the SFVCOG.
The recommendation to award a contract will not bind the SFVCOG to award a contract to the prospective Contractor.
The SFVCOG Board retains the right to select a Proposal other than the Proposal receiving the highest number of points if the SFVCOG Board determines, in its sole discretion, another Proposal is the most overall qualified, responsive, responsible, and in the best interests of the SFVCOG.
The Contractor will work closely with the Executive Director of the SFVCOG, utilize his/her own vehicle, office, cell phone, computer and software for SFVCOG business, and will be expected to do the following:
Support in identifying private (philanthropic or corporate), state, and federal funding opportunities on behalf of SFVCOG and/or its member agencies and pursuing funding through a contracted grant writer. To that end, tasks may include, but not be limited to the following:
- Meet regularly with SFVCOG staff
- Report to the SFVCOG Board on progress, as requested
- Coordinate with SFVCOG member agencies’ staff to gather information and insight to apply for grants
- Compile and submit a list of all applicable homeless and housing funding opportunities, inclusive of eligibility requirements and application timelines and process within sixty (60) days after the onboarding of a grant writing consultant
- Coordinate and support the management and the submission of applications for funding in conjunction with member agencies, based on homeless working group interest with a least five (5) applications annually
- Successfully secure at least 50% of grants applied for annually (not including County funding) for housing and homelessness resources
The SFVCOG reserves the right to contact colleagues or references not furnished by the proposer. Submission of a proposal shall constitute authorization for the SFVCOG to make all reasonable reviews necessary to evaluate qualifications of respondents.
Questions regarding this RFP shall be emailed to John Bwarie ( All questions must be submitted at least one week prior to the submission deadline to allow sufficient time to respond to potential proposers. In order to receive the answers to any questions submitted about the RFP, please contact the above named individual via e-mail to be included on the distribution list.
The SFVCOG reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any informality in the proposal when to do so would be to the advantage of the SFVCOG. The SFVCOG may also reject the proposal of any proposer who has previously failed to timely and satisfactorily perform any contract with any of its member agencies.
All contact regarding this RFP or any matter relating thereto must be in writing and may be e-mailed to: If it is discovered that Proposer contacted and received information from any personnel of any of the member agencies, other than the person specified above, regarding this solicitation, the SFVCOG, in its sole determination, may disqualify their proposal from further consideration.