As part of the adopted SFVCOG 2015-16 Work Plan, the SFVCOG Board approved a Mobility Academy to focus on providing access and insight to Board Member-designated attendees on mobility issues, opportunities, and priorities for the SFVCOG region. The Mobility Academy Cohort #5 launches in the Fall of 2019 and will last for five sessions.
The content of each session includes history of the topic/issue, the current status in various jurisdictions locally and nationally, funding/financing information for each topic, and activities that focus on regional issues and the future.
Speakers and presenters are experts in their field from the private sector, a relevant agency or public office, and/or academia. Speakers will address how things can be accomplished and why things are done the way they are (or are not).
Click here for more information about the 2019 academy – Mobility Academy Fact Sheet – Fall 2019